1.Posté par Saimon le dimanche 14 février 2016 à 11:44
Fascinating post! While I do believe there are books of vainryg levels of quality in terms of literature, I tend to agree. Books have redeeming qualities; few books are perfect, and when I think so, there is usually a special connection to some part of the story. I also think beyond mere personal difference of opinions about the enjoyment of books is the issue of time. I imagine some books I still call my favorites may not resonate with me now as they did when I first read them. Conversely, books I didn't like in previous years might strike my fancy now. So much of my mood and mind go into reading, it's bound to vary not only from person to person but also over time.To play devil's advocate for a moment, I would argue that there are bad nonfiction books. Accuracy matters, and it's a very different argument for bad nonfiction than bad fiction.