1.Posté par Oyebanji le dimanche 14 février 2016 à 10:04
As many have mentioned, it's too dflciiuft to pin down what makes a good book or a bad book there is no one formula. If it were that easy, I think we would all get bored of books pretty quick.I've read some books that everyone else has loved and thought what have these people been reading? It surely can't be this book I just read. But I have to give the book credit for appealing to a lot of people, even if it doesn't appeal to me.Since I started blogging about books, I've been trying to see books from different angles. I don't like to get too personal in my reviews, rather I write about what people may like about it, what people may not like about it, etc. I try not to judge so much as just help people decide if it's something they like by pointing out features of the book. When I get a book I didn't like, I try to remember that obviously someone thought it was a great book and would appeal to a segment of the population. (I do get more personal in my comments section about why it did or did not appeal to me.)